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Top 10 Cotton Seed Varieties 2024

Explore the top 10 cotton seed varieties for 2024, including gossypium hirsutum and high yield options. Find the best variety for your cotton season.

Cotton – it's the backbone of our economy and a lifeline for families like ours across Pakistan. A good harvest means food on the table and money for the children's future. But one wrong decision, one bad seed, and the entire season can go to waste. That's why, brother farmers, this guide is for you. I'm not just sharing information; I'm sharing years of experience, both successes and sweat-soaked failures.

Variety Gene Yield-Punjab Yield-Sindh Yield-KPK Yield-Balochistan Yield-Pakistan
BS-352 Cry1Ac+ Cry2Ab+ EPSPS 2067 3611 2533 3449 2908
FH-1214 Cry1Ac/Mon-531 2386 2986 1688 3843 2884
KZ-111 Cry1Ac+ Cry2Ab+ EPSPS 1956 3461 3344 2923 2756
Silver Queen Cry1Ac+ Cry2Ab+ RR 1886 2585 13267 3645 2699
BS-315 Cry1Ac+ Cry2Ab+ EPSPS 1993 3006 1909 3581 2695
FBG-Super Cry1Ac+ Cry2A+ GTG 1862 2587 3244 3706 2665
Cyto-547 Cry1Ac/Mon-531 2546 2377 1462 3502 2662
Certus-30 Cry1Ac+ Cry2Ab+ RR 1990 2227 1783 4173 2631
IUB-23 Cry1Ac/Mon-531 1333 1343 947 3670 2631
KZ-323 Cry1Ac+ Cry2Ab+ EPSPS 2242 2627 1498 3500 2623
CEMB-Ind Cry1Ac+ Cry2A+ GTG 1939 2640 2744 3620 2622
YBG-2626 Cry1Ac+ Cry2A+ GTG 2001 2247 1738 3468 2617
ICS-388 Cry1Ac+ Cry2A+ GTG 1870 3069 2011 3301 2600
Table of Contents

In this article, we'll discuss the best cotton varieties for 2024—the increased yield. Such yields fight off those bollworms and even the new types scientists have been working on. We'll learn how to select the right seed for you, whether your soil is clay or rich loam. 

High-Yielding Cotton Varieties for Pakistan

Choosing the suitable cotton variety is like laying a solid foundation for your entire crop. With good genes, your fields can fight off pests, withstand tough weather, and give you more profits at harvest time. Let's look at some proven performers and exciting new options for the 2024 season!

New Varieties for 2024

Every year, our scientists at organizations like public and private organizations develop cotton varieties with improvements for Pakistani farmers. 

  • BS-352: It contains a triple gene! It's resistant to bollworms, i.e., the Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab genes, and Roundup Ready (EPSPS gene), making weed control easier. High yields across different regions show its adaptability.
  • FH-1214: Bollworm protection (Cry1Ac) and high yield potential make this variety a strong contender. Monitor its performance in your area; it may be a good fit if pests are a significant problem.
  • KZ-111 Similar to BS-352, it boasts the bollworm-fighting genes plus Roundup Ready traits. This variety shows promise in hotter, drought-prone areas.

Important Note: These new varieties might be available in some places. Contact us about their availability.

Popular and Proven Choices

Consult us, extension officers, and seed suppliers about these established performers in your region. Consider factors like Bollworm pressure in your area, drought tolerance if water is limited, and the specific fiber quality that fetches the best price at the market.

Selecting the Variety to Your Farm

Choosing a cotton variety isn't a lottery; it's an intelligent decision. Think of it like choosing the right tool for the job. To get the best results, you need to understand your field and what challenges that cotton plant will face.

Understanding Your Climate and Soil

Pakistan has a lot of different places where cotton grows well. The hot plains of Punjab and the soils of Sindh – each region has its strengths and challenges. Some varieties perform well in hot weather; others need rich soil to grow well.

Soil type matters a lot, too. Heavy clay soils hold water well, but cotton roots need air. Sandy soils drain quickly, so you need a drought-tolerant variety if irrigation is limited. Talk to us to understand your area's specific conditions.

Significant Pest Challenges and Resistance

Those bollworms can eat away at your profits faster than you can say "harvest time"! Other pests like thrips and whiteflies can also cause trouble. The worst pests depend on your region.

Bt cotton is a powerful tool for many farmers. The 'Bt' means these varieties have a particular gene that makes them naturally resistant to bollworms. This can save on spraying costs and protect your crop. Remember, not all Bt varieties are equal—discuss options with knowledgeable seed sellers.

Don't Forget Fiber Quality

After all that hard work, you want to get the best price for your cotton! This is where fiber quality comes in. Longer and stronger fibers fetch a premium in the market. Ask about a variety's staple length and fiber strength before planting.

Where to Find Reliable Seeds

A good cotton crop starts with a good seed. Using just any seed from the market is a gamble – you might not get the quality or pest resistance you paid for. Reliable sources are essential for getting your money's worth and protecting your investment!

Trusted Seed Companies

Both government-run and private seed companies provide high-quality cotton seeds in Pakistan. Here are a few reputable names to research – remember, availability varies by region:

  • Central Cotton Research Institute
  • Punjab Seed Corporation
  • Kissan Dost Seeds
Always look for "certified seed". It means the company guarantees the variety's traits, whether it's bollworm resistance or superior fiber quality. 

Research Institutes and Resources

Knowledge is power! Our scientists are constantly developing better cotton varieties. Your essential resource is the Central Cotton Research Institute (CCRI). They publish information on new varieties, pest management, and best practices for your region.


Brothers, choosing the suitable cotton variety is no small matter. It's the difference between a field bursting with profits and a season lost to pests or poor yields. Remember, we've talked about new varieties that could revolutionize your farm, how to match them to your specific soil and climate, and the importance of finding trusted seed sources. Don't plant just any seed – plant the knowledge and research you've gained today! Get in touch with your local agricultural officer, visit those research institutes we discussed, and make this season your most successful yet. May your fields be heavy with bolls come harvest time!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the cotton varieties in 2024?

Some cotton varieties in 2024 include BS-352, FH-1214, KZ-111, Silver Queen, BS-315, FBG-Super, Cyto-547, Certus-30, IUB-23, KZ-323, CEMB-Ind, YBG-2626, and ICS-388.

What is the new variety of cotton?

The new variety of cotton include BS-352, FH-1214, KZ-111, Silver Queen, BS-315, FBG-Super, Cyto-547, Certus-30, IUB-23, KZ-323, CEMB-Ind, YBG-2626, and ICS-388.

What are the four types of cotton?

The four types of cotton are Upland, Egyptian, Pima, and Asiatic.

Which city is famous for cotton in Pakistan?

Multan is renowned for cotton production in Pakistan.

Which variety of cotton is the most expensive?

The cost of cotton varieties can vary based on multiple factors, and the newly developed varieties are the most expensive.

Who grades cotton?

Cotton is typically graded by regulatory authorities or organizations responsible for quality control in the cotton industry.

What are the names of varieties of cotton?

The varieties listed in the provided information include BS-352, FH-1214, KZ-111, Silver Queen, BS-315, FBG-Super, Cyto-547, Certus-30, IUB-23, KZ-323, CEMB-Ind, YBG-2626, and ICS-388.

What is the softest type of cotton?

Egyptian cotton is often considered one of the softest types of cotton due to its long fibers and luxurious feel.

What is the ranking of Pakistan in cotton production?

Pakistan is typically ranked among the top cotton-producing countries globally. However, specific rankings can fluctuate based on various factors, such as yield and production in a given year.

What are the main species of cotton?

The main species of cotton include:

  • Gossypium hirsutum (Upland cotton).
  • Gossypium barbadense (Pima or Extra Long Staple cotton).
  • Gossypium herbaceum (Levant cotton).
  • Gossypium arboreum (Tree cotton).

How many species of cotton are there in the entire diversity?

There are over 50 species of cotton plants, but only a few are commercially cultivated for their fibers. The primary cultivated species are Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense, Gossypium herbaceum, and Gossypium arboreum.

زرعی ماہرین سے مفت رہنمائی حاصل کریں۔

About the Author

Ph.D. Scholar | Certified Data Analyst | Blogger | Completed 5000+ data projects | Passionate about unravelling insights through data.
Mashallah Traderزرعی ماہرین سے اپنی فصل کی مشکلات پر بات کریں
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